If you're on Facebook with any regularity then you are probably seeing a lot of people posting what they are thankful for each day. This is something that comes around during November as part of Thanksgiving and encourages us to find one thing every day that we are grateful for. I haven't participated in past years, but this year I decided that I would. We are only thirteen days into the month but I find that I have no trouble coming up with something every day and today I had so many things that I was thankful for that I didn't limit it to one post. I find that I'm also in a better mood as the days go on and that more things happen for me to be grateful for.
I'm not religious, but I've read a lot on the act of gratitude both in religious and non-religious materials and I'm a firm believer that when you think good things, more good things happen to you. I'm just not always so great at putting that into practice. But today was a fabulous day and I hope that with each day my reasons to be grateful increase.
On the subject, I read a book some time back called 365 Thank Yous which has now been republished as A Simple Act of Gratitude. The author begins at a place in his life where things have hit rock bottom. He decides to send a thank you letter to someone every day for one year. It's a true story and an incredible one. It's a very easy read and I'd recommend it if you have the time.
A Simple Act of Gratitude: How Learning to Say Thank You Changed My Life
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