I guess this should read, What Every Single Woman Needs, but I think married women could probably benefit too. Every woman needs a male friend who lacks the ability to connect with women emotionally. I know that sounds kind of terrible, but if you know a man like that then you know he's perfectly happy with his life. I spent some time with my emotionally unavailable male friend last night and as usual it was an eye opening experience. A man like this can tell you things about yourself that you aren't willing to admit, or that you don't see in yourself. They also have great insights into the male brain (being as they have one) and so you learn a lot about what really matters to men, and what doesn't.
Now, I'm not saying that just because you learn these things you are any more able to accept them or deal with them, but they are still handy tidbits to have. So what did I learn? I'm not as ugly as I think I am, nor are men as picky as I think they are. I also learned I'm incredibly clueless when it comes to the signals men give. OK, so I kind of knew that stuff already, but he made it a lot more clear.
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